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Transform the way you care for patients by gaining control over data, proving compliance, and delivering services faster, more efficiently, and with greater security.

Get the most out of your IT systems and drive improvements to productivity, security, and patient care.

If any organisations are best placed to demonstrate the benefits of digital transformation, it’s those in the Healthcare sector.

With patient data being gathered, transferred, and stored across different devices and formats, healthcare organisations need to use that data to enhance patient care whilst simultaneously meeting strict data protection regulations, and defending against sophisticated cyber attacks.

Add to this an increasing demand for remote, on-demand services, and potent organistional and service efficiency challenges, there’s vast opportunity for improvement that modern cloud technologies are well equipped to enable.

As patients take on a more active role in their own treatment through digital channels, healthcare needs to meet modern expectations in order to stay competitive and operate effectively.

At Kocho, we’ve helped several healthcare organisations overcome these challenges and utilise the power of Microsoft’s cloud technologies to deliver services securely, efficiently, and at speed.

Symptoms of an ageing approach

Siloed data and disconnected systems are a hangover of the pen and paper processes of old. Now is the time to embrace the opportunities of the Cloud to transform the way you deliver your healthcare services.


Your challenges:

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Data processing

You’ve got huge volumes of data in different formats, limiting its use to improve patient care and services.

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Strict regulation

Meeting – and proving – compliance against data regulations such as the GDPR is convoluted and complex.

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Cyber security

Medical data is a valuable prize. You need defences in place to prevent increasingly sophisticated attacks.

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User experience

Employees and patients need secure access to real-time data as telemedicine services become commonplace.

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Need help?

Book a no-obligation Discovery Call today

Discuss your healthcare challenges with an award-winning Microsoft partner.

You’ll discover:

  • Solutions for your industry’s unique challenges
  • Cutting-edge tech to make your job easier
  • How to gain control over your data
  • Ways to deliver services fast and securely
  • Microsoft licensing and funding options
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The Healthcare sector has the highest costs associated with data breaches, up to three times higher than other industries.

IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021

Envision a healthier future with Kocho

We’re adept at diagnosing how to treat your digital transformation challenges. We’ll work in partnership with you to integrate your systems, get the most out of your data, and ensure security and efficiency for both your people and patients.

We can help you:

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Secure access

Ensure the right people have the right access to the right data and resources when they need it. Properly authenticate your users and avoid excessive access privileges.

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Protect your endpoints

Get control over all the devices connected to your network, easily identifying suspicious activity – and preventing sensitive medical data going walkabout.

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Detect and prevent threats

We’ll give you the visibility and response power to quickly detect, investigate, and mitigate attacks across your entire environment.

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Prove compliance

Apply controls and policies to secure sensitive data wherever it goes and prove to regulators that you can protect patient data.

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Operate efficiently

We can take care of the day-to-day running of your environment to keep things operating smoothly, so you can focus on delivering an improved service to patients.

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Maximise your data

Consolidate, transform, and analyse patient data at scale. Use intelligent AI to quickly deliver test results, personalised care plans, and reduce the risk of human error.

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The whole process was seamless. It has been a very, very good experience for us.

Rapture Orafu

Senior IT Specialist, Staffordshire University

Ready to become greater?

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Case studies

Who we've helped

The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft Security [New for 2024]

Grab your Microsoft security ‘cheat sheets’. Discover how to:

  • Simplify security across your multi-cloud estate
  • Easily protect identities, devices, and data
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Got a question? Need more information?

Our expert team is here to help.