What we do

Information Protection solutions

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Your data is invaluable – don’t let it get into the wrong hands. Our information protection solutions will help keep your data classified, under control – and secure.

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You know your data needs protecting, but where should you start?

Protecting your data is crucial, but knowing where to start can be challenging.

Our Information Protection solutions address the ‘how’ of data protection.

Ensuring your sensitive information remains secure, even in the face of modern data regulation laws like GDPR.

With our powerful tools and expertise, you can confidently:

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    Lower risk with continuous threat monitoring and hunting.

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    Respond rapidly with automated incident alerts and meaningful insights.

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    Save money by consolidating security into a single suite.

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    Stay GDPR compliant and gain regulator and customer trust.

Big data, big risk

Your organisation is producing and receiving more complex data than ever before – don’t let it get out of hand.


Your challenges:

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Data access

There’s no easy way to ensure only the right people have safe access to the data they need.

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There’s neither visibility of where your sensitive data is being stored nor how it’s being used.

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You can’t demonstrate comprehensive data protection is in place to meet industry regulations.

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Data protection isn’t embedded into your user tools – or it’s impacting productivity.

Watch 3-minute Security Posture Assessment Demo

Identify hidden threats and prioritise security risks.

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88% of organisations have no confidence in their ability to detect and prevent sensitive data loss.

Forrester, Security Concerns Security Priorities Survey 2020

Put smart information protection at the heart of your success

We’ll work in partnership with you to develop and implement an information protection strategy that identifies and protects your sensitive information.

You’ll get the tools you need to monitor and control inappropriate sharing – and minimise the risk of a costly data breach.


We can help you with:

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Data protection

Protect your data against loss – wherever it lives.

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Classification policies

Embed data classification policies and support their adoption.

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Encryption controls

Introduce encryption and loss prevention controls.

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GDPR compliance

Stay GDPR compliant and gain regulator and customer trust.

A comprehensive information protection solution from Kocho

We’ll help you take charge of sensitive data and reduce your compliance risks.

Our solutions take care of:


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Data discovery

Gain visibility and understanding of how much sensitive data you have in your environment and where it’s located.

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Understand content sensitivity by manually or automatically applying data classification to your documents.

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Secured access

Ensure only authenticated users and partners can access sensitive documents – wherever they are stored – and control what they can do with that content.

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User adoption

Define your data classification policies, educate users, and embed easy-to-use systems and tools across your organisation.

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Simplified collaboration

Make it easy for document owners to apply the correct level of access – with classifications that stay with documents wherever they are stored.

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Data loss prevention

Monitor and control your data to stop sensitive information intentionally – or unintentionally – leaving your organisation.

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Featured technology

Microsoft Information Protection

Every Kocho Information Protection solution is powered by Microsoft Purview Information Protection.

Embedded within Microsoft 365, our solutions give you flexible protection across – and beyond – your Microsoft tenants.

These unified solutions mean your classification policies and controls can be centrally managed and consistently applied across your entire environment so your data remains secure, wherever it goes.

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The Security Posture Assessment has helped us immensely to visualise what is important and prioritise accordingly. The result has been a continuous delivery of enhancements to our security.

Paul Mathanarajah

Head of Infrastructure

Want to enhance your security?

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Case studies

Who we've helped

In-house vs. outsourced security operations: Which is right for you?

Download your 35-page guide to discover:

  • Costs and risks to build inhouse
  • Potential security benefits and savings
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Our expert team is here to help.