Mobile Optimisation Manager

Save over 30% on your business mobile costs

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Get a specialist team dedicated to cutting your monthly bills. Fully self-funded. If we can’t save you money, you don’t pay!

Is your monthly mobile bill £5,000 or more? We can identify hidden costs – and save you a lot of money.

Do you know how much of your monthly bill is wasted spend?

You might be surprised when we show you.

In most cases, we find clients overspending by at least 30%!

We can provide the intelligence and skills you need to unlock big savings.

Kocho’s Mobile Optimisation Manager service will help you:

  • Truly understand user behaviour and network charges
  • Promptly remove wasted service, data, and tariff spend
  • Develop a tailored mobile strategy based on user needs
  • Negotiate contracts that adapt to changing requirements
  • Continuously optimise device and network costs

How much are you wasting on business mobile?

If you can’t delve into the detail or understand how people use their devices, then unnecessary costs and potential savings are simply hidden.


Your challenges:

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No intelligence

Limited understanding of phone use and spend attribution. Impossible to identify wastage and overspend.

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Constant change

Inventory is out of control. You’re buying devices and paying for services for people who don’t need them.

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Inflexible tariffs

Accepting short-term deals that lock you in. Long-term overspending on inappropriate services and tarriffs.

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Excess data charges

Users breaching their data allowances. Roaming expenditure attributed to a small number of users.

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Inactive devices

Paying for corporate devices that are no longer in use – including leavers and staff using their own devices.

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User behaviour

Redundant devices. Collaboration apps like Teams and Slack mean staff no longer make traditional voice calls.

No win, no fee – Save over 30% on your device management

Missing out on significant cost savings?

Mobile Optimisation Manager:

  • Cuts monthly bills by over 30%
  • Costs nothing – just a % of your savings
  • Is risk free – no savings, no charge (no catch)
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One client reduced their monthly bills from £100,000 to £30,000.

Laser-focused mobile cost control

Break the overspending cycle. Our specialist team will work diligently to keep device and network spend under control.

Key benefits:

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Fully self-funded

No upfront or additional costs. You only pay a share of the actual savings we deliver – typically 30% or more.

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Savings guaranteed

If we can’t save you at least £1,000 a month, you can walk away with a free strategic report – no obligation.

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Tailored strategy

Get a detailed audit into current usage and behaviour. Truly understand device and network requirements.

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No restrictions

It doesn’t matter which mobile service provider you use, or the stage of your contract life cycle, we can help.

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Ongoing optimisation

Dedicated tools and resource to keep device inventory and tariffs under control. Wasted spend removed promptly.

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User needs and behaviours will change – your network agreement will adapt to prevent overspending.

No win, no fee – Save over 30% on your device management

Lack resources to optimise your mobile estate?

Missing out on significant cost savings?

Mobile Optimisation Manager:

  • Cuts monthly bills by over 30%
  • Costs nothing – just a % of your savings
  • Is risk free – no savings, no charge (no catch)
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Got a question? Need more information?

Our expert team is here to help.