VIEW 2024


Wednesday, 23 October 2024

08:30   –   Registration and networking breakfast

09:30   –   Welcome to VIEW 2024

Shane Taylor – CSO, Kocho

09:40   –  Precision security: Turn SecOps investment into competitive advantage

Anna Webb – Head of Global Security Operations, Kocho

10:00   –    How Dojo achieved cloud-first identity: Global fintech business case study

Stefan Baldey – System Administrator Manager, Dojo

10:20   –   The cyber insurance headache: Tips and tricks for cutting your policy costs

10:40   –   SOAR into the cloud and improve operational efficiency

David Guest – Architect & Technology Evangelist, Kocho

11:00   –   Refreshment break

11:30   –   The evolving cyber threat landscape and how Microsoft are responding

Sarah Armstrong-Smith – Chief Security Advisor, Microsoft

12:20   –   Stitching Together Identity and Devices – A new approach to end-to-end device management

Andy Brown – Product Director, Kocho

12:40   –  AI adoption: Dissecting effective onboarding and how to measure success

Cordelia Lamble – Business Transformation Team Leader, Kocho

13:00   –   Lunch

14:00   –   Hallo Healthcare Group: Seamless cloud migration and security infrastructure overhaul

Hallo Healthcare Group – TBC

14:20   –   Leverage eSIM to improve data connectivity and reduce mobile roaming data costs

Matt Atkinson – Mobile Device & Network Management Lead, Kocho

14:20   –   KEYNOTE: Getting under the skin of how hackers operate

15:40   –   Round-up: What’s next?

Andy Brown – Product Director, Kocho

15:55   –   Closing comments

Shane Taylor – CSO, Kocho

16:00   –   Networking drinks and canapes