Text/Image/Cards block

A block that displays text and optional image side by side on desktop and stacked on mobile, with optional cards that display beneath.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"image_position" => "left",
	"variant" => "wide",
	"shape" => "half",
	"tag" => "What we do",
	"title" => "**Greatness** is small things done well.",
	"title_highlight_colour" => "lime",
	"bg_colour" => "ebony",
	"content_type" => "accordion",
	"background_logo" => true,
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"accordion" => [
		"accordion_text" => "<p>Sustainable and secure growth that powers your potential. **Select an option below** to see how we can help your business.</p>",
		"text_highlight_colour" => "lemon",
		"items" => [
				"title" => "Identity",
				"text" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>"
				"title" => "Secure Workforce",
				"text" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>"
				"title" => "Secure Operation",
				"text" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>"
				"title" => "Innovation & Transformation",
				"text" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>"
				"title" => "Managed Services",
				"text" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-stretch.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"
Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"variant" => "default",
	"bg_colour" => "ebony",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "A short heading to accompany some key tech-focused points",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>",
		"has_tag" => true,
		"tag_type" => "icon",
		"tag_text" => "At a glance",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"title_layout" => "half"
	"include_image" => false,
	"include_cards" => true,
	"badges" => [
		"default_colour" => "white",
		"per_line" => 4,
		"badges" => [
				"title" => "The first step to our industry leading approach goes here",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit eos explicabo, assumenda ab a rem tempora earum modi repellendus cupiditate, nam exercitationem, autem minima blanditiis tenetur praesentium quia quos neque.</p>",
				"icon" => [
					"url" => "/resources/images/pattern-library/circle.png",
					"alt" => "icon"
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "This here is the second step to our industry leading approach over a few lines",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit eos explicabo, assumenda ab a rem tempora earum modi repellendus cupiditate, nam exercitationem, autem minima blanditiis tenetur praesentium quia quos neque.</p>",
				"icon" => [
					"url" => "/resources/images/pattern-library/circle.png",
					"alt" => "icon"
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "The third and almost final step of our industry leading approach goes here",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit eos explicabo, assumenda ab a rem tempora earum modi repellendus cupiditate, nam exercitationem, autem minima blanditiis tenetur praesentium quia quos neque.</p>",
				"icon" => [
					"url" => "/resources/images/pattern-library/circle.png",
					"alt" => "icon"
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "The fourth step to our approach is shortest",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit eos explicabo, assumenda ab a rem tempora earum modi repellendus cupiditate, nam exercitationem, autem minima blanditiis tenetur praesentium quia quos neque.</p>",
				"icon" => [
					"url" => "/resources/images/pattern-library/circle.png",
					"alt" => "icon"
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"variant" => "narrow",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "A short heading to accompany some key tech-focused points",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>",
		"has_tag" => true,
		"tag_type" => "icon",
		"tag_text" => "At a glance",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"title_layout" => "half"
	"include_cards" => true,
	"card_position" => "side",
	"badges" => [
		"default_colour" => "oatmeal",
		"default_highlight_colour" => "lime",
		"per_line" => 4,
		"badges" => [
				"title" => "Tech Name / Title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Tech Name / Title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "",
					"url" => "#"
tag icon

At a glance

A short heading to accompany some key tech-focused points

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"variant" => "default",
	"bg_colour" => "oatmeal",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "A short heading to accompany some key industry-focused points",
		"title_layout" => "half",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"copy" => "",
		"has_tag" => true,
		"tag_type" => "icon",
		"tag_text" => "Our Approach",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half"
	"include_cards" => true,
	"card_position" => "under",
	"badges" => [
		"default_colour" => "white",
		"default_highlight_colour" => "lime",
		"per_line" => 3,
		"badges" => [
				"title" => "A heading goes here talking about a key aspect of this specific solution over a few lines",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "A heading goes here talking about a key aspect of this specific solution over a few lines",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "A heading goes here talking about a key aspect of this specific solution over a few lines",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "",
					"url" => "#"
Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "right",
	"variant" => "default",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "A short heading about our secure workforce goes here",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>",
		"has_tag" => true,
		"tag_type" => "icon",
		"tag_text" => "Innovation & Transformation",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"title_layout" => "half"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-stretch.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"
tag icon

Innovation & Transformation

A short heading about our secure workforce goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "left",
	"variant" => "default",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "A short heading about our secure workforce goes here",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.</p>",
		"has_tag" => true,
		"tag_type" => "icon",
		"tag_text" => "Innovation & Transformation",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"title_layout" => "half"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-stretch.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"
tag icon

Innovation & Transformation

A short heading about our secure workforce goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_large",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "left",
	"variant" => "wide",
	"shape" => "half",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "Thinking of joining us?",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"copy" => "<p>You're in the right place!</p><p> Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?</p><p> Want to find out more? Get in touch \u2013 we're more than happy to answer your questions.</p>",
		"has_tag" => true,
		"tag_type" => "icon",
		"tag_text" => "Join Us",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"title_layout" => "half"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-stretch.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"
tag icon

Join Us

Thinking of joining us?

You're in the right place!

Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?

Want to find out more? Get in touch – we're more than happy to answer your questions.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "right",
	"variant" => "wide",
	"shape" => "half",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "Thinking of joining us?",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"title_layout" => "half",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"copy" => "<p>You're in the right place!</p><p> Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?</p><p> Want to find out more? Get in touch \u2013 we're more than happy to answer your questions.</p>"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-yawn.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"

Thinking of joining us?

You're in the right place!

Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?

Want to find out more? Get in touch – we're more than happy to answer your questions.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "left",
	"variant" => "wide",
	"shape" => "full",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "Thinking of joining us?",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"title_layout" => "half",
		"copy" => "<p>You're in the right place!</p><p> Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?</p><p> Want to find out more? Get in touch \u2013 we're more than happy to answer your questions.</p>",
		"has_tag" => true,
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"tag_type" => "icon",
		"tag_text" => "Join Us"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-stretch.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"
tag icon

Join Us

Thinking of joining us?

You're in the right place!

Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?

Want to find out more? Get in touch – we're more than happy to answer your questions.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_large",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "right",
	"variant" => "wide",
	"shape" => "full",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "Thinking of joining us?",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"copy" => "<p>You're in the right place!</p><p> Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?</p><p> Want to find out more? Get in touch \u2013 we're more than happy to answer your questions.</p>",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"title_layout" => "half"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-yawn.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"

Thinking of joining us?

You're in the right place!

Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?

Want to find out more? Get in touch – we're more than happy to answer your questions.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "right",
	"variant" => "wide",
	"shape" => "full",
	"tag" => "Block tag",
	"standfirst" => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.",
	"bg_colour" => "ebony",
	"title" => "A short title about our secure workforce",
	"title_highlight_colour" => "lime",
	"title_layout" => "half",
	"text" => [
		"title" => "",
		"standfirst" => "",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"title_layout" => "half",
		"icons" => [
			"heading_level" => "h2",
			"items" => [
					"title" => "Example title here",
					"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.</p>",
					"image" => [
						"url" => "/resources/images/icons/brand-icons/id.svg",
						"alt" => "icon"
					"title" => "Example title here",
					"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.</p>",
					"image" => [
						"url" => "/resources/images/icons/brand-icons/id.svg",
						"alt" => "icon"
					"title" => "Example title here",
					"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.</p>",
					"image" => [
						"url" => "/resources/images/icons/brand-icons/id.svg",
						"alt" => "icon"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-yawn.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"

Block tag

A short title about our secure workforce

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.

Example title here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.


Example title here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.


Example title here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "right",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"variant" => "narrow",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "Our commitment<br>to our people",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"title_layout" => "half",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"copy" => "<p>We're committed to ensuring the members of our team are empowered and encouraged to grow professionally and develop their skills.</p><p>Our need to adapt, evolve and freely experiment with new ideas is vital to our success, and we do everything we can to support individuals that share those ideals.</p>",
		"has_tag" => false
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-green.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"

Our commitment
to our people

We're committed to ensuring the members of our team are empowered and encouraged to grow professionally and develop their skills.

Our need to adapt, evolve and freely experiment with new ideas is vital to our success, and we do everything we can to support individuals that share those ideals.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
	"standfirst_width" => "full",
	"image_position" => "left",
	"bg_colour" => "white",
	"variant" => "narrow",
	"text" => [
		"text_align" => "left",
		"title" => "Our commitment<br>to our people",
		"title_size" => "h2",
		"title_layout" => "half",
		"copy" => "<p>We're committed to ensuring the members of our team are empowered and encouraged to grow professionally and develop their skills.</p><p>Our need to adapt, evolve and freely experiment with new ideas is vital to our success, and we do everything we can to support individuals that share those ideals.</p>",
		"lower_standfirst_width" => "half",
		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"has_tag" => false
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-wave.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"

Our commitment
to our people

We're committed to ensuring the members of our team are empowered and encouraged to grow professionally and develop their skills.

Our need to adapt, evolve and freely experiment with new ideas is vital to our success, and we do everything we can to support individuals that share those ideals.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

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		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"tag_text" => "Innovation & Transformation"
	"include_image" => true,
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					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>",
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					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
tag icon

Innovation & Transformation

A short heading about our secure workforce goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
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	"image_position" => "right",
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	"bg_colour" => "white",
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		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
		"copy" => "<p>You're in the right place!</p><p> Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?</p>"
	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-yawn.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"
	"include_cards" => true,
	"badges" => [
		"default_colour" => "oatmeal",
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		"badges" => [
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius rerum soluta</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius rerum soluta</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius rerum soluta</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eius rerum soluta</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"

Thinking of joining us?

You're in the right place!

Here you'll find everything you need to know about life at ThirdSpace and our current career opportunities. A few members of our team have also shared their experiences of their career journeys with us. Where could yours take you?

Usage details:

To use this element: @include('.srv.www.kocho.co.uk.releases.20241029111403.web.app.themes.sage10.app.View.......library.blocks.text-image-cards.text-image-cards', $options)

Options used for this example:

	"title_size" => "title_normal",
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		"title_size" => "h2",
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		"lower_copy_width" => "half",
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	"include_image" => true,
	"image" => [
		"url" => "/app/themes/sage10/resources/images/pattern-library/kitten-wave.jpg",
		"alt" => "kitten"
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	"badges" => [
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					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
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				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>",
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					"url" => "#"
				"title" => "Badge title",
				"copy" => "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>",
				"link" => [
					"title" => "Learn More",
					"url" => "#"