XDR Rapid Protect

ClearVue™ SecOps reporting dashboard

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Save time and remove information gaps. ClearVue™ is an easy to use, interactive dashboard that offers complete threat visibility, risk prioritisation, and security advice.

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Our promise to you

Kocho’s ClearVue™ reporting dashboard gives you peace of mind, with real-time security insights from across your entire IT estate.

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Expert security advice

Threats are prioritised, with clear, detailed advice on how to mitigate vulnerabilities and achieve industry ‘best’ protection.

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Complete visibility

Quickly visualise risks by severity level, trends, and ticket progress. Easily drill down into any aspect for more details.

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Remove wasted spend

Identify underutilised Microsoft technology investments. Fine-tune log ingestion with real-time data ingestion stats.

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Reduce user risk

Visualise risky sign-ins by user, geography, and application. Identify high risk users – with training advice to change poor behaviours.

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Endpoint compliance

Combine Intune, Defender for Endpoint, and Defender for Cloud analytics for a complete picture of device health and compliance risks.

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Spot vulnerabilities

Notifications for third-party software and SaaS app vulnerabilities. Understand exposure levels, severity, and potential risks.

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Regular health checks

An overview of your SecOps health and security posture, played back to you by your nominated Customer Success Manager.

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Full transparency

Monthly executive summaries highlight threats avoided, security score improvements, SecOps performance, risk level, and ROI optimisation.

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Kocho brought their experience and knowledge in implementing and managing Sentinel to seamlessly integrate with our systems. This led to a simplification of our processes and greater awareness of our security posture.

Stephen Parnell, Systems & Infrastructure Analyst


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Book your free ClearVue™ Demo today

Get the platform you need to spot and stop threats fast!

See how ClearVue™ reporting can help you:

  • Quickly identify threats in your business
  • Respond faster and more efficiently
  • Effectively mitigate vulnerabilities


Reduce alert fatigue, with summary reports by severity, category, and priority across Sentinel and Defender.

User risks

Quickly spot and react to risky user behaviours. Understand gaps in passwords and MFA.

Device risks

Pinpoint exposed and misconfigured devices. Build a picture of overall endpoint health.

Software vulnerabilities

Surface vulnerabilities across cloud apps and software vendors. Understand risk posture outside of your Microsoft estate.


In-depth recommendations to improve your security and meet industry standards.

A clear path to better security

ClearVue™ SecOps Reporting Dashboard helps you:

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Work efficiently

Save time and remove information gaps navigating separate tools and portals.

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Prioritise risks

Full threat visibility across technologies. Vulnerabilities prioritised by risk level.

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Prove ROI

Demonstrate security improvements. Articulate value to business leaders.

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Optimise spend

Achieve maximum value from your Microsoft security tool investments.

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Book your free ClearVue™ Demo today

Get the platform you need to spot and stop threats fast!

See how ClearVue™ reporting can help you:

  • Quickly identify threats in your business
  • Respond faster and more efficiently
  • Effectively mitigate vulnerabilities
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Case studies

Who we've helped

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Want to see ClearVue™ in action?

Book your free demo today,