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Choosing your managed security services partner (MSSP)

Selecting the perfect security partner can be a daunting decision. Here’s how to identify the MSSPs best placed to help you improve your security posture.

The complexity and quantity of threats facing organisation’s grows with each passing year. With users increasingly accessing networks remotely, on many different devices, managing the security of your IT environment is an ever-changing challenge.

That’s why many organisations are turning to managed security partners to complement their internal IT teams and bolster their threat detection and remediation capabilities.

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114% increase in remote workers coupled with a 59% increase in BYOD policy adoption has wreaked havoc among enterprise IT security teams.

CyberEdge (2020) 'COVID-19 Impact Report.'

Pick up your free e-Guide today and discover:

  • How to assess where your security posture needs support

  • The types of MSSP service on offer – and which is right for you

  • Key accreditations to look for in a potential security partner

  • A checklist of the questions you should definitely be asking

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Anna Webb profile headshot


Anna Webb

Head of Global Security Operations

Anna has over 20 years’ experience in operations management, major incident management, and cyber security. CISSP qualified, Anna is officially a Security Changemaker (Microsoft Security Excellence Awards).

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