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On-demand | 30 Minutes

Understanding and enabling decentralised identity – Microsoft Expert Webinar

Give your users ultimate authority over their data to reduce risk, effectively verify, and improve transparency and auditability.

Imagine a world where customer and user identity data are no longer stored (and secured) by the organisation. A world where your users can access a wide range of different services using a single ‘wallet’ of credentials that they control.

Now find out how to make that world a reality.

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Today’s digital identity frameworks are centralised, suffer from a lack of trust, aren’t portable, and don’t give consumers control.

Forrester, 2020

Watch our Microsoft Expert Webinar to understand how decentralised identity works, what the organisational benefits are, and get practical advice on how to enable it within your environment.

Microsoft’s Sr. Program Manager for Decentralised Identity, Rohit Gulati, covers:

  • Microsoft’s strategy for decentralised identity and verifiable credentials

  • How it reduces compliance risk, improves privacy, and makes security easier

  • Where it’s already been a success – with real-life examples and scenarios

  • Advice on making decentralised identity a reality in your organisation

This webinar also includes an introduction and decentralised identity overview from our resident expert, David Guest.

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David Guest

Solution Architect & Technology Evangelist

David is responsible for developing identity, Microsoft 365 security, and other cloud service solutions – and keeping our clients abreast of the latest technology trends.