On-demand | 49-minutes

The secrets to simple and efficient mobile management

Learn how other leading companies have dramatically reduced mobile costs and simplified the management of their mobile estate.

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The bottom line is that it saved us thousands.

Andy Frost – Head of IT, RPC

Most organisations are spending too much time and money on mobile – with inflexible and complex tariffs, and inefficient device management.

Mobile budgets can typically be reduced by more than 30% with a strategic approach to mobile device and airtime management.

Break the inefficiency cycle and optimise your future spending in this expert-led webinar.

Learn how to achieve:

  • Sustained cost savings – based on real-time insight

  • Increased visibility and control of your device estate

  • Proactive in-month usage and spending monitoring

  • ⁠Effective utilisation and integration of Microsoft Intune

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Andy Brown

As Kocho’s Product Development Director, Andy is responsible for making sure his teams keep up to date with the market and continues to deliver industry leading technologies, services, and solutions for their customers.


Matt Atkinson

Matt leads the Mobile Device & Network Management Services team. He helps support organisations to create and deliver better ways to connect remote workers, vehicles and locations, and provides support and services that enable IT teams to better support end users.