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Embrace the cloud

Book your Entra ID Discovery & Roadmapping Workshop

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Understand how to achieve more efficient, secure, and cost-effective identity and access management.

Discover how you can leave behind outdated IAM systems that slow you down, cost you money – and leave you exposed to a data breach!

An Entra ID Discovery Workshop will provide clear steps to achieve the full benefits of modern identity management in your organisation.

You’ll come away with:

  • An understanding of the gaps and challenges costing your organisation time and money.

  • A strategy that aligns identity management with your long-term business goals.

  • An affordable solution that mitigates security risks and improves user experiences.

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(What) stands out about Kocho is their level of experience in identity and access management. They are market leaders and that really shows.

Stuart Purkiss-Webb, Infrastructure Architect, Aviva

Why book an Entra ID Discovery Workshop?

As an award-winning Microsoft partner, we can help you:

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Simplify everything

Cut through the complexity and truly understand the pros and cons of your current technical infrastructure.

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Chart a clear pathway

An improvement roadmap that’s aligned with your business goals and adaptable to future changes.

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Design a custom solution

A high-level design that’s tailored to your organisation’s requirements – plus training recommendations.

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Budget alignment

A solution that fits within your budget. Accurate cost estimates ensure no nasty surprises!

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Mitigate security risks

Control access privileges, address key vulnerabilities, and prepare for evolving cyber threats.

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Deliver great experiences

Advanced authentication to boost security and provide a seamless user journey across devices.

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UKPN chose Kocho to leverage our Entra ID investment. Bringing product knowledge to our Cyber Resilience Programme and achieving NIS CAF Enhanced Profile.

Justin Gibbs, Senior Security Architect, UK Power Networks

Let us help you ‘Become greater’

Kocho has been a trusted Microsoft Solutions Partner for over 20 years.

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Microsoft Partner of the Year

We’ve been awarded Microsoft’s Partner of the Year Award a total of eight times, with five of those wins in specialist Identity and Security categories.

Book your Microsoft Entra ID Discovery Workshop today.

Discover how to harness the full benefits of cloud-first identity management in your organisation.

Book a Discovery Workshop with our identity experts

Our workshop will help you with:

  • Solutions for current tech and future needs.
  • Clear designs for improved identity and access.
  • Actionable steps for seamless implementation.